30th May - Science of Sweets
Science of Sweets - Join us for a Willy Wonka inspired adventure as we explore the science behind your favourite sweet treats. In this delicious workshop we will use scientific equipment and techniques to create our own sweets including super sour sherbet and glow in the dark jelly worms! Every experiment is edible! (All experiments are vegan, no dairy, no nuts and avoids all common allergens). Suitable for 4+ years.
30th July - Crazy Chemistry
Crazy Chemistry - Following an interactive mini science show filled with colour changes and eruptions, the children will make Chromatography Butterflies, Skittles Rainbows,
Test Tube Rainbows and Marshmallow Bath Bombs to take home. Suitable for 4+ years.
13th August - Fantastic Physics
Fantastic Physics - The children will explore electricity with our hair raising Van de Graaff generator, create human circuits and blow up giant balloons in one puff!! Following this the children will make paper rockets, mind bending thaumatropes and levitating ping pong balls to take home. Suitable for 4+ years.